Meet the Biologist: Kee Bligh
Kee Bligh is Aquarium Encounter’s senior biologist. She has been a part of the aquarium team since December of 2014, shortly after the aquarium opened. Originally from New Britain, Connecticut; Kee is almost a freshwater Conch having lived here for 7 years. She attended Coastal Carolina University and has a degree in marine science with a minor in biology.
Looking to avoid the frigid cold winters of the north she moved down to the keys after falling in love from one single visit. Her favorite part about living in the Florida Keys are the endless summer days she gets to enjoy. When Kee first moved to marathon, she had a job at Sparky’s serving, and eventually applied to the aquarium. She was originally hired as an island biologist and has now worked her way and moved up to senior biologist. Kee is our educational and outreach coordinator. You can spot her at all our outreaches and events where was have a booth with animals set up!
In Kee’s spare time she enjoys exploring the mangroves that line the shores of the Florida Keys, looking for sea creatures and picking up marine debris and trash along the way. Since she loves the ocean so much and being able to enjoy the wonders of the ocean on her days off are a plus!
One of her favorite things about being a marine biologist is the potential to constantly learn something every day! She loves being able to work with animals, and having the opportunity to educate the public on our fragile ecosystem is one of Kee’s main passions. Come stop by the aquarium today and meet Kee, she can be found leading tours, feeds, and encounters!